World Premiere of Steve McCurry’s Capturing the Soul

On September 26th, the world premiere of Capturing the Soul took place at the Leica Gallery in Madrid. As Marc Buil, the Global Director of ARTIKA, pointed out, this artist’s book “is a step into the world of photography,” and without a doubt, “for this adventure, we couldn’t have chosen a better travel companion than Steve McCurry.”

The presentation was a resounding success. In one of the spacious rooms of the renowned gallery, alongside the artist, a wide representation of personalities from the worlds of culture, art, and photography gathered, as well as the country’s leading specialized and general media outlets, all surrounded by the exhibition of the 40 original photographs that make up this limited edition of only 2,998 copies.

Steve McCurry, who has been involved in all stages of the creation of the book, from supervising the color testing of the photographs to discussing the texts from each snapshot, and of course, signing all the copies, experienced the presentation day with great intensity. In the morning, he met with journalists for one-on-one interviews, and in the afternoon, he spoke and interacted with the large crowd that attended this unmissable event.

The author of the most famous photograph, The Afghan Girl, which is the cover of this exclusive artist’s book, described his involvement in the project this way: “Choosing photographs for a piece like this is knowing how to tell a story […] I’ve considered the rhythm, the harmony between all the selected photos so that together, they make sense.”

The artist endorsed the high quality and excellent final result of the piece, as Steve McCurry himself stated: “This book is a compilation of my best work, and it’s made with the finest quality materials.”




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